Show Your Love!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Easter or Spring File, Cute Precious Moments Bunny with flowers.

I am excited. I found a full box of color books I had packed away from when the kids were little. I now get the fun of weeding through them to find the cutest ones to cut.

Oh and I did something on this one I should have done on the rest. As I go to cut the other ones that have already been listed, i will do this and re upload them. I didn't join the layers as one before I uploaded. I did do this on this one, so it should be all ready for cutting.

Thanks for all the feedback and comments, I enjoy them as much as I do creating the files.


You can download it here.
Again, if you want to share these with someone else please send them here, and I would love to see what you create with them.


Alicia B said...

This is just TOO cute! You are surely on an ARTistic Roll this week!! *Hugs*

Suzanne Milam said...

Thanks so is so cute...

B said...

Thanks for sharing your talents..this is so cute. Barb

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